Virtual Christmas lights switch on.

This has been a trying year for all the residents of Hednesford, with the Covid-19 pandemic having a huge impact on our lives.  We at Hednesford Town Council felt it important that we still celebrated Christmas with our annual lights switch on but as a virtual event for everyone to join in but in a safe way.  Our community has come together in the run up to this with many volunteers getting involved to decorate Hednesford ready for this event, and we have to say they have done a marvellous job!

Our Chair Councillor Kathryn Downs opened proceedings acknowledging the great work that Hednesford community groups have done, and how during an extremely trying year we have all pulled together and shown just how resilient our residents are.

This was followed by 2 wonderful songs by the voice contestant Georgia Bray, she really did do a fantastic Job and sounded lovely on what was a very wet evening.

Santa was there to watch over the proceedings and join in with the count down to the light being switched on, he then proceeded to read out the names of local children from his book. 

It really was a lovely evening that brought our community together in a virtual but safe way.  We are hoping that the new year will see an end to this global pandemic and our community can come together again for all the new and exciting thing Hednesford Town Council have in store for 2021.